Helping make Easter Egg-cellant

The Swindon Charity and Social Committee organised an easter egg collection in aid of disadvantaged children who use SMASH Youth Project. Our aim is to collect 50 eggs to give to those who may not receive an egg this year. Through everyone's generousity we have managed to egg-ceed our initial goal and delivered 115 eggs to SMASH. SMASH received over 160 eggs this easter, which meant they were able to not only give one to all of the mentees on their books but also their siblings AND their mentors! Thank you all for helping to make some eggs-tra special memories!
Meanwhile, in London, the team arranged an Easter Egg Hunt with entry money going to Bliss.
Bliss is the leading UK charity for babies born premature or sick. It supports families with a baby in neonatal care, works with health professionals to provide training and improve care for babies, campaigns for improved hospital resources across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and is actively involved in pioneering neonatal research.
It exists to give every baby born premature or sick in the UK the best chance of survival and quality of life. Bliss was chosen due to the help and support it provided to Elisabeth when her daughters were born prematurely last year. Elsa and Saga even popped into the office for the egg hunt!