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Mental Health Awareness Month - Introducing our first Mental Health First Aiders

With mental health awareness week just around the corner, it is worth pointing out that we have 4 trained Mental Health First Aiders currently in Swindon. Mat Bellamy (LAB), Katie Robinson, Katie Henderson (CONTACT) and Kay Thompson (HR) have all completed the MHFA training course. If you are struggling and would like someone to talk to do reach out to them. If you don't feel comfortable in talking to a colleague, remember we also have the Employee Assistance Progamme through Healthshield who can be reached on 0800 028 1963 or through username healthshield password wellbeing

What is MHFA?

Mental Health First Aid is exactly what it suggests, a first aid approach to mental health. It follows a training programme that teaches participants how to notice and support an individual who may be experiencing a mental health concern and provide help – often through connecting them with a route to help and support.

The role of a Mental Health First Aider in the workplace is to be a point of contact for an employee who is experiencing a mental health issue or emotional distress.

This interaction could range from having an initial conversation through to supporting the person to get appropriate help. There can also be a proactive role in making sure that fellow workers have a better understanding of mental health issues.

What do MHFAiders do?

MHFA trainees undertake a standard 12-hour course, usually delivered over two days or four half-days. It is pretty comprehensive, although there are MHFA-lite courses on offer as well. The training is intended to impart a deeper understanding of issues that impact on and relate to people’s mental health.

Standard courses include:

•Common mental health problems

•Attitudes and the ‘See Me’ anti-stigma campaign

•The five steps of mental health first aid (ALGEE, below)

•Symptoms of depression

•Alcohol, drugs and depression

•Crisis first aid for suicidal behaviour and depression

•What are anxiety disorders

•Crisis first aid for panic attacks and acute stress reaction

•What are psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)?

The training is aimed to give a deeper understanding of the issues that impact on and relate to people’s mental health and teach practical skills that can be used every day. ‘MHFAiders’ are taught to spot the signs and symptoms of mental health issues and to feel confident guiding people towards support.

They are encouraged to use the ‘ALGEE’ approach:

•Ask about suicide

•Listen non-judgmentally

•Give reassurance and information

•Encourage the person to get appropriate help and support

•Encourage self-help strategies.

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